The Kuwait Towers

Completed in 1979, the “Kuwait Towers stands as the undisputed national symbol and one of the most recognizable landmarks in Kuwait, an embodiment of the nation’s dramatic economic and urban development after the discovery of oil. Today, the Towers have become an integral element of the Kuwait City skyline.” They were designed by Malene Bjørn. They are currently on the tentative list to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Below you can see various souvenirs depicting the towers from ebay, delcampe, or etsy.

The National Council for Culture, Arts, and Letters received a grant for the maintenance of the towers, which the work of Dana Al Rashid below, entitled “The Healing of Kuwait Towers” is in refence to. The other images are of older postcards showing the towers, found on ebay, this instagram, and a section of a National Geographic article about Kuwait that show the towers under construction.

In older photos of the towers, I noticed this small building along the beach I found interesting. I’m not sure if it still stands. The first two pictures were found on pinterest, the third on the flickr of Mohad Swaidan, the fourth on 248. The last two images come from the website of Mohammed Alkouh.

From the viewing sphere, you can see much of Kuwait. In this photo, you can see the ruins of the Sheikh Khazal palace and the abandoned House of Amin. The final two images come from this website.


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